Caring For Your Wethers

Caring For Your Wethers

There are three main aspects to caring for your new pets that you should consider. Hopefully you are reading this article before you have picked up your new goats so that you can be prepared; but if you haven’t this article should help you get started.   The main...
There Are No Heritage Chickens Here, Sadly!

There Are No Heritage Chickens Here, Sadly!

Beautiful, isn’t she? This is a Rhodebar, – an autosexing breed of chicken that originated in England in 1947 and is rare in Canada. We previously had Rhodebars in our flock along with Light Sussex, Ameraucanas, and commercial hybrids. I enjoy seeing the variety...
Nigerian Dwarf Goats For The Home Dairy

Nigerian Dwarf Goats For The Home Dairy

When we began to consider goats for dairy, for the purpose of home milk and cheese production, it did not take too long for us to zero in on Nigerian Dwarf goats as being the breed that we wanted to try. Now, being a young family with small children, there were two...